Note Fr. Steele:
"The A.J. Santero is probably going to become more admired or fashionable in ensuing years." | "The A.J. Santero is named from initials appearing on one of his retablos. Boyd notes his 'thick, gritty gesso ground and acid coloring.' 'Santero,' p. 13, Popular Arts in Spanish New Mexico, p. 366; William Wroth, Christian Images in Hispanic New Mexico, p. 192; Larry Frank, New Kingdom of the Saints, p. 162-69." | "E. Boyd, Popular Arts in Spanish New Mexico, p. 366, notes the two colors A.J. used to draft: 'His sketchy outlines are done in either dark blue or reddish brown instead of near black.' RU 110 [Nuestra SeƱora de los Dolores] is an example of the blue outlining; this is an example of the reddish brown."